Movie2iTunes has released a niftly small app for Macintosh that imports .AVI movies into iTunes effortlessly. I could not think of a better way to do this.
All you do is drag the desired movies for importing and drop them into the Movie2iTunes icon. The app does the rest. Next thing your know is your movies are in iTunes. I love it that you can do multiple movies at a time.
Click here to be magically transported to their internet tube porthole.
UPDATE: Well I guess I am behind the curve. Once of the astute readers has pointed out that Movie2iTunes doesn't actually convert the .avi's when it adds them. So you can't sync the movies to your iPod.
iSquint is the solution. You get to convert and put it on the iPod.
You know, that's not actually a very good solution. If you do it that way, you aren't actually converting the file, you're just putting a soft link to the file in the iTunes library. If you use a program like iSquint, the file actually gets converted. You can then ACTUALLY add it in to your library, and it'll be able to be synced with your iPod and such.
Thanks for the info!
I don't have an iPod that plays video, so the original suggestion is all I want or need--no conversions required to my movie library! Thank you!
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