The Tax "Rebate" Is Voter Manipulation

In June, 2008 Americans are due to receive tax rebates whether they paid taxes or not. This is what I think of it.

Do you like being manipulated? That is what this tax rebate is. It is pure manipulation of the voting public being passed off as economic stimulus.

Guess what? The economy doesn't need a freaking stimulus. All this mortgage "turmoil" that we are seeing is nothing more than a market correction. Unemployment hasn't shot up, hourly earnings are up $0.04, Fuel is hovering around $2.70 and $3.00, and industrial productivity is up 1.8% (Bureau of Labor)! What signs are there that America needs an economic stimulus?

What signs are there that this is a vote gathering ruse and not a strong economic savior? Many.

1. The estimated cost of the "rebate" is 150 billion dollars. The only way that 150 billion dollars is going to make a difference in our economy is if everyone spends it. Is everyone going to spend it? No. I am not. I save my extra money. For some reason I don't feel like sacrificing any part of my financial stability so this country can have its stimulus.

The 150 billion would be much better spent on infrastructure that would increase productivity, generate jobs, and otherwise create tangible economic growth.

It's not like we have an extra 150 billion laying around anyways. Which leads me to my second point.

2. Inflation. The government did not cut 150 billion in spending so they could "give" this money back to the taxpayer. They are simply issuing more bonds and printing more money. So now that some of us are $300 or $600 dollars richer the value of our dollar has fallen that much more. The dollar is already getting crushed by the global economy and mass consumerism in America. Lets just print some more!

3. Wealth redistribution is a great subject to attract voters with. When poor people hear that they are getting the rich people's money they think it's great. If you make more than $150,000 you will not see a dime of this money. Granted if you make $150,000 you probably don't need an extra $300 but the fact of the matter is clear. IT'S FREAKING COMMUNISM! If the lower class get this rebate then there is no reason why the rich shouldn't. I think it's already been established that communism doesn't work and won't work. So stop encouraging the moron politicians who pander to the uneducated masses of America by voting for them. Republicans and Democrats.

P.S. Socialism (what Canada has) is simply a lesser form of communism and doesn't work either from an economic standpoint. However much the poor love free medical, it doesn't make for a strong economic base.

4. The fact that the lower class get the rebate and the upper class doesn't only proves my point that it's only for votes. This is an economic stimulus package right? So if a person who make $150,000 spends $300 it should have the same effect on the economy as a lower income person. Right? Nay, the richer person would probably help the economy even more because they have a proven record of spending their money so they get a greater return. But it does not get to be so. The upper class is a very small minority. They have very little voting influence other than their dollars. Plus, they tend to vote for republicans because republicans tend to be more business friendly. So why would a *cough* democrat *cough* politician bother with a true, fair, economic stimulus package when they can pander to the much larger and gullible lower class and get votes at the same time? It's just a game. And they are playing with our money.

5. The tax "rebate" is not a rebate at all. It's simply a forward on your taxes for next year. You get to report an extra $300 or $600 in income next year. If anything it's like a advance on your tax rebate that you get taxed twice on.

6. Why do people feel so good about the government taking to much money and then giving some back? Why don't we demand that taxes simply be lowered? The advantages are huge:
So here is what I propose. Get your $300 dollar rebate (or more if you are married and have kids) and enjoy it however you please. Spend it, save it, burn it, whatever. But when you hear some moron singing the peachy praises of Pelosi for "empowering" the lower class or even for just padding their wallet, remind said moron that they are being kept in that class by that same "empowerment". Sure, you may be able to go buy an Xbox or some toy, but is it really going to change anything?

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Anonymous said...

Wow, right on. I personally think that the only thing this rebate is going to do is boost TV sales. How pathetic we Americans are.

Anonymous said...

Good article. If we really want to boost the economy A) pay off our debt; B) balance the budget, including earmarks, subsidies and entitlements; and C) drill for oil on American soil. We can do this for less than $300 per family.

Unknown said...

"P.S. Socialism (what Canada has) is simply a lesser form of communism and doesn't work either from an economic standpoint. However much the poor love free medical, it doesn't make for a strong economic base."

That's interesting, considering the Canadian dollar is worth more than the American dollar.

But ok.

Anonymous said...

Despite the dollar inflation the American economy has withstood tremendous pressure without collapsing. Many other economies (especialy Canada) would have buckled by now under the strain of a sub-prime mess as well as a continued trade deficit and inflation.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I also agree that the years between 1929 and 1938 didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is broken. It has been stuck at the same spot for five weeks.

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