1. Pay all your bills on time and never let your credit card be charged more then 30% of your limit. Even if you have to pay it off multiple times a month.
2. Get some online monitering system. It can be through a bank, mint.com, or anything. Just so you can see where your finances are. I recommend mint.com but some people have problems with having finances on the internet. Understandable. Just be informed.
3. Open up some lines of credit and try to be diverse. Department store credit cards are great when you are starting out but if your are really serious about great credit then you need to have a diversified portfolio of credit. credit cards, car payments, personal loans, etc are great ways to build that credit portfolio.
4. Use someone else's credit. Ask them to add you as an authorized user. This will give you all their payment history for that card. :D
5. Don't get yourself into a lot of debt. A high debt to income ratio is a sure sign of irresponsibility and a lender won't like that.
To better understand how lending works I suggest you start a Prosper.com account and do some of your own. Now that is a real eye opener.
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