If you are as disorganized as I am then you often have a lot of programs open at all times. Going through all of you apps to shut them down can be slow and frustrating if you need to be shutting down your Mac quickly.
But there is a solution. Qall.
Qall does one thing. Mazzive shut downs. Everything gets shut down right now. Of course if you need to save your Pages document or have multiple tabs blasting away in Safari you can still take the appropriate measures to ensure their safety.
It takes me about 2 seconds to shut down my mac, slip it in it's case, and be on my way.
Once again in case you missed it: Qall.
Update: I email the developer of Qall, Nobuatsu Sekine, and asked if Qall could damage any part of the system by shutting down a program improperly. Here is the answer
Is Qall safe for programs? Is the way that it shuts things down safe for the program and your computer?
QaLL quits the applications in the proper way that Mac OS X provides,
so I believe it's safe for the standard applications.
For example, if the TextEdit has unsaved document,
it shows the alert and doesn't quit.
In other words, QaLL doesn't force quitting,
just asks the target applications to quit in their own way.
There it is. Straight from the horse's ,err, keyboard?
You realize that choosing Apple menu> Shut down... closes all the open programs anyway, right? The only ones it won't close are the ones that need attention, like prompting you to save or delete a file. From the way you describe it, that's exactly the same as Qall does... Just thought you should know...
Oh, one other thing... No idea why you turn your compy off before putting it in a case.. .Just close it, and let it go to sleep.. I usually go 2-3 weeks without turning it off, and that's only due to software updates that require a restart.
You are right that you can go into sleep mode and the battery will still last.
I use Qall because the white fading light annoys me and I don't like having my battery constantly drained.
Just personal choice it seems.
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