Cozip iPhone Case Review

When I purchased an iPhone one of my first thoughts was to go to Amazon and buy a case to preserve my heady cellular investment. And that is what I did.

I purchased a Cozip case for my iPhone. It was $19.97 including shipping. You can get the 1G version as seen to the right or the 3G version seen a bit lower.

The case basically a plastic exterior for the back of the iPhone. It provides some protection to the back of the phone and looks pretty awesome. Mine has a matte black finish and snaps neatly onto the phone. You can get the case in a variety of colors such as red or white. The fit and finish is very good. The case snapped on easily.

I have dropped my iPhone several times from at least 3 feet onto concrete or a hard surface with no ill effects. Needless to say, I am very pleased.

However, the case doesn't provide any protection to the front of the phone. If you want a full case for your iPhone I would suggest reading this article. It will give you an idea of the most popular cases.

Link to the top six iPhone cases.

Here are some reviews from other people who really liked the case.

I love the iPhone case. In my opinion the majority of phone cases look terrible. This case maintains a very low profile and looks cool. It slides in and out of my pocket with ease. The best part of the case is that the low profile look really does not diminish the cool factor of owning an iPhone. Last week I accidentally dropped my phone down a flight of stairs; without a doubt the case saved my phone. I would highly recommend this case to anyone that owns an iPhone, wants to protect it, and does not want to look ridiculous with some cheap phone cover.
- Daniel Erenberg

This product keeps with the true nature of the iphone, in the sense that it is elegant and works like a charm without much extra...It has a tactile rubber paint on it and is made out of plastic. I am careful with my phone and this provides just that extra protection from scratches and the rubber texture helps with the iphones proneness to slipping out of hand...
- A. Taghdis

Top Six (6) iPhone Cases

This is a nice hard minimalist case if you want good protection, a grippy surface, and no added bulk. I can't even tell I have a case anymore with mine.

2. Yoozoo Silicone Case
Another case that provides a little more all around protection at the expense of a bit more bulk. This case definitely wins points for being trendy and easy on the bank account.

This may not qualify as a case but it is still a tremendously popular iPhone accessory. Use this with another hard case for more protection.

If you are a classy individual looking for beltable protection this is just the case for you. Leather and 100% protection!

I think this case should be the most popular. How cool is aluminum? It would be just about bulletproof!

6. Speck ToughSkin
Yet another silicon case. This one has a much more aggressive textured grip and a belt attach. If you are the active type then this case will work best with your adventures.

New Site

I just started a new site called It's designed to spread information about the Yamaha R6 and make it a bit easier to find. I came to this idea after spending far to much time wandering about on endless forums and random sites piecing together the information I was looking for. Keep in mind I am always open to links and new authors as there is no way I can do this up properly without help.

I hope it helps you out!

How to become an Army Helicopter Pilot

Becoming a helicopter pilot is a dream for many, as well as for myself. In my journey to accomplish my dream I have compiled an extensive library of resources that may be of great value to you. If you have something you would like to add please email me at

First, you have to really want to become a helicopter pilot. This level of desire transcends merely thinking it would be cool. You have to want it bad enough to act on that desire. If you lack the motivation to follow through with the requirements you won't make it and your efforts will be wasted. You must want to fly and you must act on that want.

Here are the basic requirements the Army has set down for general application to fly.

1. You must score above a 90 on the AFAST (Army Flight Aptitude Selection Test).
2. Must obtain and maintain a 1A Flight Physical. Check with you doctor if you are unsure if you can pass. He may be able to prescreen you and save you a lot of time.
3. You must be between the age of 18 and 30.
4. (a) Distant vision no worse than 20/50 in each eye and correctable to 20/20. No more than one error on the Armed Forces Vision Tester or Snellen chart at 20 feet.
(b) No astigmatism in excess of +/- .75 diopters of cylinder
(c) No Hyperopia in excess of +3.00 diaopters of sphere
5. Arm reach greater than 163 cm.
6. Sitting height less than 103 cm.
7. Crotch height greater than 74 cm.

Keep in mind that waivers can be obtained. Don't quit if you are disqualified by something trivial. If you have other excellent redeeming features it is very possible that you can obtain a waiver and continue competing for a slot.

Now just because you meet all of these qualifications does not mean you can get a slot. You must qualify on a multitude of levels. This is just the beginning.

There are two routes to fly helicopters in the Army. Both are competitive and have their own ups and downs. They are the Warrant Program and Commissioned Program.

The Warrant Program is for soldiers already enlisted in the Army. You can submit an application packet to a board of aviators and compete for a slot as a pilot warrant officer. This route has some qualifications of it's own that must be met.

There are more slots available through the Warrant Program and warrant officers tend to fly more since that is their specialty. Flying. That is all a warrant officer does for his entire career. Warrant officers can amass enormous hours and qualifications, making them a very valuable player in the private commercial market.

Below are links that provide enormous information on the warrant route.

If you are looking for books to help you prepare for the AFAST test these three books are excellent.

Rotorcraft Flying Handbook (FAA Handbooks)

Principles of Helicopter Flight

Learning to Fly Helicopters